The Benefits of Goji Berry are diverse therefore has large amounts nutrients essential for overall body health. The wolfberry Berry is used in medicine and in the preparation of Chinese foods. The Goji Berry juice itself are sold due to the various health benefits that it offers. This fruit is actually divided into two sub-species, which are known as Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense, both belonging to the family Solanaceae.
The Goji Berry is considered native to China and also grows in warmer regions around the world, including Australia, North America, the Mediterranean, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. China is the largest exporter of this fruit in the world.
Goji-BerryO name gojy English is derived from the name in Mandarin Gouqi. The other name, Goji Berry, may have originated from the Greek name of the Lycium plant, Lycos or "wolf" in Greek. The tree grows to about 3 meters. The fruit is small, up to 2cm in the form of red or orange, and dark oblong. Its taste is bitter to sweet.
The Goji Berry is not only used as food and medicine in China, but also in other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The whole plant, including fruits, leaves, roots, root bark and have been used for medicinal purposes. In traditional medicine, the Goji Berry were used to cure liver disease, infertility, abdominal pain, dry cough, fatigue and headaches.
This dried fruit contain calories, carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, sugar and protein. The vitamins and minerals found in the wolfberry Berry include sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, lycopene, zeaxanthin, polysaccharides, peptidoglycans and betaine. So let's give the 13 benefits of Goji Berry for health.
Goji Berry Benefit To Control Diabetes: Diabetes has emerged as a major disease in the world in modern times. Controlling or preventing diabetes is absolutely necessary since it can lead to the development of many other diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke and ocular diseases. One of the main benefits of the Goji Berry to health is that it can help control diabetes. Recent studies have shown that extracts of Goji Berry have considerable hypoglycemic properties. Studies also indicate that the use of this fruit help control diabetes, and does not have negative side effects.
Goji Berry Benefit in Cholesterol Control: Cholesterol is one of the main reasons for the development of heart disease and cardiovascular disease. The cholesterol plaque are impregnated within the blood vessels and arteries and obstruct the flow of blood. This in turn causes the heart to pump with higher strength, resulting in weakening of the body, which may be followed by a heart attack. To begin with, cholesterol divided into two types. One is HDL or high density lipid cholesterol, which is good cholesterol and the other is LDL or low density lipid which is bad cholesterol. LDL or bad cholesterol that form plaque and leads to a weakening of the heart. Recent studies demonstrated that ingestion of wolfberry Berry reducing elevated cholesterol levels. In particular, LDL-cholesterol levels are reduced.
Goji Berry is a Powerful Antioxidants: Antioxidants, as the name says it all, are nutrients that react and neutralize the action of free radicals that are produced in our body. Free radicals, if left alone, can damage tissues, cells, cell membranes, DNA over time, resulting in the development of various diseases. Studies have shown that consumption of wolfberry Berry can help reduce medical conditions associated with free radicals. The antioxidants present in Goji Berry can also help boost the immune system.
Goji-Berry-1BenefĂcio Goji Berry To Heart: Free radicals can also attack the heart, as well as any other organ. When the heart muscles are attacked, the result may be a weakened heart. While this happens over a long period of time, it is still required to take precautionary measures. Furthermore, the berry wolfberry can act as a protective measure, since it contains antioxidant chemicals that can protect the heart against the attack of free radicals. Recent studies have shown that goji berry helps in eliminating free radicals.
Goji Berry Benefit For a Healthy Body: The benefits of this fruit for health include the general well-being and a healthy body. The results of one study showed that the Goji Berry consumption can increase and improve gastrointestinal function and reduce stress and fatigue. Besides also improves neurological and psychological performance.
Goji Berry Benefit In Cancer Prevention: The Goji Berry is not only eaten as food, the Chinese also use to treat cancer in traditional medicine. scientific investigations with Goji Berry extract revealed several anticancer properties. In addition, they were tested cancer cells in the human body, they showed a considerable control over the growth of cancer cells. Apoptosis, or sudden death of cells was observed in the cancer cells when Berry wolfberry extracts were administered.
Goji Benefits to the Brain Cells protection: We mentioned that unstable chemicals called free radicals attack our body from the inside. Sometimes they can also attack neurons or brain cells. The damaged cells may develop cerebral neurodegenerative diseases. These neurodegenerative diseases can be effectively combated with Goji Berry consumption.
Goji Berry Benefit For Liver: The liver is one of the most resilient organs in our body and can protect yourself from chemical damage, free radicals and physical. However, this cycle of regeneration damage and can ultimately lead to liver damage. The wolfberry Berry, on the other hand, have traditionally been used in Chinese medicine frequently to treat liver diseases. Also, wolfberry extracts Berry was effective in eliminating free radicals in the liver.
Goji Berry Benefit For Skin: Ultraviolet radiation is one of the threats that we all are facing, due to the destruction of the ozone layer in various parts of the world. Exposure of the skin to UV radiation can lead to skin damage and skin cancer in extreme cases. We can reduce this risk through the Goji Berry consumption. Furthermore, studies have shown that wolfberry Berry can significantly reduce inflammation of the skin and immunosuppression.
Benefits of Goji Berry To Sleep: Some Chinese traditional uses of Goji Berry is that it has the ability to induce sleep and reduce stress. Studies showed that wolfberry Berry, when administered to humans, improved quality of sleep without significantly adverse effects.
Goji Berry Benefit For Vision: Goji Berry, due to its antioxidant properties, it also helps improve vision. Antioxidants protect the eye from free radicals that may cause vision loss, cataracts and other disorders related to the eye.
Goji BerryCuidados with Goji Berry: While Goji Berry has many health benefits, a word of caution about the side effects of Goji Berry is required.
allergic Relationships: The wolfberry Berry are known to be allergic to some people, causing allergic reactions such as facial angioedema, Dyspnea, or shortness of breath, hives, itching of the ears or mouth, armpit, skin rash, anaphylaxis, rhinitis and conjunctivitis episodic.
Warfarin: The Goji Berry can also interact with medications and may cause bleeding. Warfarin is a drug which has been known to be reactive to the Goji Berry. Warfarin is used as an anticoagulant and reactions during therapy include bleeding induced. Patients undergoing treatment with warfari reported epistaxis, bruising and bleeding in the rectum after taking Goji Berry juice. In addition to warfarin users, aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen and naproxen, also should not consume this fruit.
Other drugs: The Goji Berry can also react with certain antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, anti-cancer drugs, antidepressant, drugs to lower cholesterol, drugs related to heart and blood vessels, hormonal drugs, immunosuppressive and osteoporosis. Users of these drugs should not consume this fruit because there may be reactions.